Oh No, Not That Song Again!

Pop music to me is the music I don’t want to hear.

It’s very overplayed which to me ruins it. I’m not the biggest  fan of pop but I feel like, if there is a really good song that I like, it’s safe to say that a lot of other people like it and there is a high chance that it will be so overplayed on the radio or by people I’m around. For example, when ‘Prey For The Wicked’ was first released, I liked the songs. Yes, it was different to what I usually listen to, but I didn’t mind it.

Now I don’t listen to any of the songs and High Hopes is so overplayed. I can’t stand it. Although, I do like some pop songs when they are on the ‘Pop Goes Punk’ album because it gives the songs a different sound.

Pop in the past was so much better to me, 80’s pop specifically. I liked some 90’s and early 2000’s, but I feel like, from 2010 onwards, pop really went downhill. In the past I feel like there was a lot more balance as well. I don’t think any songs were overplayed to the point people couldn’t stand it. Also, the songs were better; they weren’t all about one specific topic, they were varied. For example, in today’s pop there are a lot of songs about love, breakups and a couple of other topics. Pop before 2010 was much better than todays pop.

To me the future of pop is at risk, if they don’t stop overplaying the songs and writing songs about similar topics the genre will start to lose people. There are really talented singers so I know there will be a future for pop, but they need to push the boundaries a bit. Make it more interesting, make the listener enjoy it. Also, the radio presenters need to stop repeating songs so often, so the listeners enjoy listening to their show.

There are people who swear by pop, but honestly it needs to change. Not completely, but if certain elements are changed pop could evolve, move forward and be music people enjoy without thinking or saying, “Oh God, not this song again.”

Tia Collins, reporting for Reeltime Music Online