Album Ranking - Top Ten Debut Albums

A list of my favourite 10 debut albums in no particular order

Author: Aidan McKenna

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10. Stone Roses - Self Titled

The album which influenced most Britpop bands; Very distinct sound and one of my favourite albums of the ‘80s.

Favourite song - Shoot You Down/I Am The Ressurection

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9. Jake Bugg - Self Titled

This album which brings back folk music with a modern twist. One of the albums I listen to most.

Favourite song - Slide

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8. The Libertines - Up The Bracket

This album is filled to the brim with energy and is a stand out for all the indie rock and garage rock albums coming out at the time.

Favourite song - Tell The King

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7. Courteeners - St Jude

Another stand out indie rock album. Some really good lyrics that the band would expand and improve on in later albums.

Favourite song - Bide your time


6. Coldplay - Parachutes

Probably my least favourite Coldplay album but still a great album which showed exactly that they would improve on in the future.

Favourite song - Sparks

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5. The Smiths - Self Titled

Showed Morrisey’s distinct vocals and lyrical style while also showing Johnny Marr’s amazing guitar ability. Definitely my favourite studio album by the band

Favourite song - Hand in Glove

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4. Television - Marquee Moon

I’ve been listening to this album a lot recently and it’s probably one of the best punk albums I’ve heard.

Favourite song - Venus

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3. Oasis - Definitely Maybe

Oasis introduce themselves with a bang on this album . Another album just full of energy and passion.

Favourite song - Slide Away

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2. The Vaccines - What Did You Expect From The Vaccines?

This is my favourite album by the band and definitely one of my top albums from the last 10 years.

Favourite song - Wetsuit

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1. The Strokes - Is This It?

Probably one of the most influential albums. I love the distortion in the vocals and the way both guitarist play together.

Favourite song - Trying your luck/Someday